Looking For Something Good To Read....

Review By WRP Diva
Murder Among The Tombstones / A Clara and Iris Mystery
By Kim Carter
Amazon Link: http://a.co/fJ6XfmG

   The wait is finally over and Author Kim Carter has blessed the readers with another great suspense -filled read. Me myself I love mysteries. Her dynamic pen is one of the smoothest I have read thus far. As a reader I must be able to replay an author’s words in my head, creating a consistent, flowing movie full of action and emotion. Carter has a gift for detail, dropping things here and there, just enough to give me a mental picture. She grabbed me and twisted me up in her world and kept me on my toes from the first paragraph. I felt myself running through the woods and experiencing all the anxiety and fear Jasmine felt. 
     I felt like the detective trying to solve the crime with them. Who was this man with those perfect white teeth and why did he do this to such a beautiful young girl. Private Investigators Iris Hadley and Clara Samples are my girls. These ladies are a great combination. There is never a dull day at Hadley and Samples Investigations. You would never believe they were in their 70’s. 
Jessica Fletcher watch out… 
    The way they banter back and forth is hilarious. I love these two. Quita is just the icing on the cake. Author Kim Carter developed the storylines so brilliantly before merging them together with such a smooth transition, causing nothing but pure drama till the end. From reading previous books from this author, I can see that she has not lost her touch. She has developed another hard-hitting read from start to finish. I highly recommend anything this author writes.
