Ally Dalsimer: A Multifaceted Force In Literature

 Ally Dalsimer is an award-winning environmental expert, former political candidate, certified facilitator, experienced life coach, and author of the award-winning book “It’s Okay Not to Be Fabulous Every Day.” During her 30-year environmental career, Ally authored or co-authored more than 50 articles, technical reports, proceedings, books, and brochures. She also worked to establish and then managed multiple national conservation efforts. In 2021-2022, Ally ran for Congress to represent Virginia’s 11th District. Ally earned a Master’s in Public Policy, Environmental Law, and Economics Track from Georgetown University, and graduated Phi Beta Kappa from the University of Richmond with degrees in English and Psychology. Ally is a member of ALLi, SCBWI, TWS, and AAUW. She's the proud mom of two amazing kids and a chubby rescue cat named Pooma.

Hardcore Grind Mag: What inspired you to start writing, and are there any pivotal moments that shaped your decision?
Ally Dalsimer: Depression - I'd ended my congressional race, my mother passed, my kids both left for school, and I found myself living alone for the first time since I'd met my husband in 1991 (he passed in 2015). I felt lonely and isolated and lacked all sense of purpose. It was a low point.

Hardcore Grind Mag: How would you describe your writing style in five words? What do you appreciate most about your writing?
Ally Dalsimer: Resilient, empowering, motivational, insightful, and captivating. What I appreciate most about my writing is its ability to inspire others and convey meaningful messages that resonate with readers.

Hardcore Grind Mag: Where do you find your most creative moments or environments, and how do you cultivate them?
Ally Dalsimer: I find creative moments everywhere, in books, movies, conversations with people, the blue of a sky, etc. but, for me, being around bright, creative young adults and kids is the best way to lift the veil and see life in new ways

Hardcore Grind Mag: Who are some of your favorite authors that have impacted your writing?
Ally Dalsimer: J.R.R. Tolkien, Anthony Horowitz, Suzanne Collins, and one other I'm no longer mentioning b/c they've shared some unfortunate personal opinions.

Hardcore Grind Mag: Can you share a brief overview of your latest book or project? What inspired this particular story?
Ally Dalsimer: It's Okay Not to Be Fabulous Every Day"  is for those struggling with life's inflection points, transitional phases, or traumatic events. Through the use of inspirational quotes and personal stories, the book leads the reader on a journey to self-discovery by igniting inspiration and fostering motivation so we can maximize our personal potential. It's not a one-and-done, but a book to pick up and put down as needed, as we encounter the speedbumps of life

Hardcore Grind Mag: A woman who can write is powerful. What does that power mean to you?
Ally Dalsimer: Freedom. I don't have to write anything but what I want to write - it's a blessing and joy not to have to work on other people's projects.

Hardcore Grind Mag: What do you admire most about your writing?
Ally Dalsimer: What a great question! Oof... struggling with this one. The range of my vocabulary. I love words with unique meanings that, sadly, people really don't use in everyday speaking... myriad, esoteric, avuncular. Words are fun! 

Hardcore Grind Mag: Is there a particular lesson or piece of wisdom you wish you had known when you were starting out?
Ally Dalsimer: Yes! The writing community is wonderfully supportive BUT the community who preys on new writers is full of scammers. Beware!

Hardcore Grind Mag: Can you share any insights into your upcoming projects or future writing goals?
Ally Dalsimer: I'm currently working on two projects! The first is a children's series about an unlikely friendship between a mouse and a cat. I envision three books though am a SLOW writer, so who knows when they'll get done. The other I'm currently considering is a follow-up to "It's Okay Not to Be Fabulous Every Day" (my first and only book). I mentioned in a recent interview not doing a follow-up, but have received several requests to reconsider that decision.

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