The New Pen On The Block..Author Nicole Hill

WRP: Thank you for agreeing to do this interview for our Blog Nicole Hill, I really appreciate it.
Author: Thank you for featuring me
WRP:  Tell us who is author NICOLE HILL?
Author/Guest: I’m a mother, grandmother, wife and now I can add the title of published author.
WRP:  Tell us about your books? What genre do you write?
Author/Guest: My first book Betrayed is about two friends who have been cool since elementary school. Khloe is the loving, caring person who wants to see the good in people. Carrie is the jealous, conniving type who wants everything her friend has.

WRP: Has this always been your career choice?  What was your career choice? 
Author/Guest I always talked about being a published author but I never thought it would happen. I actually wanted to be a computer programmer.
WRP: What inspired you to write? 
Author/Guest My family
WRP:  Are you self-published or published through a company? What is the name?
Author/Guest I’m published through Rhysworld Publishing
WRP: What was your journey like into the writing industry?
Author/Guest Unreal, a friend of mine from, high school hit me up on Facebook and asked if I had ever thought about writing professionally. She explained that she had a friend that owned his own publishing company and was looking for new talent. She put me in contact with Rhys, we talked he told me to send him the first 4 chapters of my book. I did and the rest is history.
WRP:  What was the toughest experience of your journey?
Author/Guest I would have to say the toughest experience I had was being worried about how people would embrace my work.
WRP: Who is the person that has most influenced your life?
Author/Guest: My mother
WRP: Do you have any writing rituals? How long does it take you from start to finish?
Author/Guest: I try to write every day at least 3000 words. Depending on what I have going on at the time it only takes a few weeks. I’m working on my second book now and it has taken me longer than I thought it would.
WRP: What makes your pen stand out from other authors in the same genre?
Author/Guest: I would have to say the things I write about. The things I write about are realistic; you can see those things happening to you. I don’t write about my characters having millions of dollars, I stay away from the expensive clothes and shoes.
WRP: What do you want the readers to get out of your work?
Author/Guest:  I want them to be able to feel the passion I put into my work.
WRP: Walk us through deadline time for Author Nicole Hill
Author/Guest: I haven’t been faced with any deadlines yet.
WRP: Have you ever experienced writer’s block? What do you do, if that happens?
Author/Guest: Yes, when this happens to me I just stop what I’m doing listen to music or watch TV. I have to get my mind off the story I’m working on. Sometimes it takes only a few hours, sometimes it takes a few days.
WRP:  Urban fiction has a lot of negative press being a so called bad influence on the youth and perpetuating black stereo-types. What are your thoughts on that?
Author/Guest:  Everything is negative if we listen to the media. I personally don’t feel this is true with Urban fiction. Most teenagers have already lived the lives they talk about in Urban fiction. If they can read about it and see it’s a dead end situation at times that may steer them in another direction.
WRP: As an African American Author do you see your work as being relatable to a general public?
Author: Yes
WRP:  Can you tell us about any future projects you are working on?
Author/Guest: I just finished a book entitled Blinded by Love and I’m also working on Betrayed 2.
WRP:  If people wanted to get in contact with you, how can they find you?
Author/Guest: I’m on twitter @authornicoleh, I’m on Facebook Author Nicole Hill or they can email me at
